Editorial Policy
Publication Criteria
Its publication is permitted by all authors and after accepted for publication it will not be submitted for publication anywhere else, in English or in any other language, without the written approval of the copyright holder. The journal may consider manuscripts that are translations of articles originally published in another language. In this case, the consent of the journal in which the article was originally published must be obtained and the fact that the article has already been published must be made clear on submission and stated in the abstract.
It is compulsory for the authors to ensure that no material submitted as part of a manuscript infringes existing copyrights or the rights of a third party. The copyrights of all papers published in this journal are retained by the respective authors as per the 'Creative Commons Attribution License' (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). The author(s) should be the sole author(s) of the article and should have full authority to enter into the agreement and in granting rights (if any) to Science View Journal, which are not in breach of any other obligation. The author(s) should ensure the integrity of the paper and related works. Authors should mandatorily ensure that submission of the manuscript to Science View Journal would result in no breach of contract or of confidence or of commitment given to secrecy.
If a submitted study replicates or is very similar to previous
work, authors must provide a sound scientific rationale for the submitted work and clearly
reference and discuss the existing literature. Submissions that replicate or are derivative
of existing work will likely be rejected if authors do not provide adequate justification.
English Quality: The language in submitted articles must be clear, correct,
and unambiguous.It is author's responsibility to improve the English quality (if required)
by any other third party service. The research must meet all applicable standards for the
ethics of experimentation and research integrity.
SCVJ believes that no manuscript should be rejected only on the basis of ‘lack of Novelty’,
provided the manuscript is sufficiently robust and technically sound. Too often a journal's
decision to publish a paper is dominated by what the Editor/reviewer think is interesting
and will gain greater readership — both of which are subjective judgments and lead to decisions
which are frustrating and delay the publication. SCVJ journals will rigorously peer-review
your submissions and publish all papers that are judged to be technically sound. Judgments
about the importance of any particular paper are then made after publication by the readership
(who are the most qualified to determine what is of interest to them).
Online Publication Model and Reprints
We strongly encourage "ONLINE" publication model. But we also understand that "Reprints" are required by some authors. Reprints may be used to display the potential of the article at interviews, conferences, distribution to colleagues, seminars, other promotional activities, etc. Therefore, if required, reprints can be ordered. 'Reprint Charge' (RC) is separate from Article Processing Charge (APC) or Publication Charge.
Agreement for Authorship
Submission of a paper to this journal indicates that the author(s) have agreed on the content of the paper. One author should be indicated as the corresponding author for all publication related communications. All correspondence and proofs would be sent to the corresponding author, who will be treated as a final representative voice for all authors regarding any decision related to the manuscript unless otherwise requested during submission. This journal would not be responsible for any dispute related to authorship of a submitted paper. Any change in the authorship (such as addition or deletion of author(s) or change in the sequence of author list) should be intimated to the editorial office through a letter signed by all authors before publication of the paper. In absence of any signed letter, approval of 'Galley proof' by the corresponding author will work as 'certificate of final agreement of authorship'. Generally, any change in the authorship after final publication is not entertained and guidelines are followed for any dispute.
SCVJ Correction and Retraction Policy
SCVJ is determined to promote integrity in research publication. We have great respect and we generally follow the guidelines, given by COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION ETHICS (COPE) for any publication disputes, authorship disputes, etc. For these kinds of disputes, we generally visit and follow the COPE website and author(s) are also requested to do so. Excellent guidelines, related to COPE’s Code of Conduct and its advice to tackle cases of suspected misconduct, are available in this link (http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts). All the materials available in COPE website are the copyright of COPE.
Online Publication Model and Reprints
SScience View Journal strongly opposes the practice of duplicate publication or any type of plagiarism. This journal aims to publish original high-quality research work. Submission of a manuscript to this journal indicates that the study has not been published anywhere or not been submitted elsewhere for publication. If author(s) are using any part of a published paper (in English or any other language), they should give a proper reference or in any case, if required they should get permission from the previous publisher or copyright holder (whichever is suitable).
Portability of Peer-Review
In order to support efficient and thorough peer review, SCVJ aims to reduce the number of times a manuscript is reviewed after rejection from any SCVJ journal, thereby speeding up the publication process and reducing the burden on peer reviewers. Request from the author for 'transfer of manuscript' from one journal to another journal of Science View Journal, also may be accommodated under this policy. Under the above-mentioned cases, by following 'portability of peer-review' policy, SCVJ will pass the review comments of a particular manuscript to the editor of another journal at the authors' request. We will reveal the reviewers' names to the handling editor for editorial purposes unless reviewers let us know when they return their report that they do not wish us to share their report with another SCVJ published journal and/or that they do not wish to participate further in the peer review of this manuscript.
Special Note For Authors
As a part of restructuring all SCVL journals, we are closing all the manuscripts, where manuscripts are pending dormant for more than 4 weeks after the final acceptance mail. Due to the restructuring of our editorial policy and regulations, we have closed all the files of these types of manuscripts. Files of these types of manuscripts can be kept alive if authors agree for a fresh round of peer review by at least two peer reviewers or re-approved by the present editorial board.
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