Autors: C. C. Onyemenonu, E. C. Nleonu, A. U. Ezeibe
Date: Dec 20, 2023
Edition: December 2023 Edition
Volume: 4
Issue: 3
Pages: 5 (348 - 352)
The study of volume changes in binary mixtures is attracting considerable interest from researchers due to the degree of molecular interaction between the mixed solvent molecules and their importance in many chemical industries and engineering disciplines. The experimental values of densities (ρ) and viscosities (η) of pure and binary mixtures of dual-purpose kerosene (DPK) and automotive gas oil (AGO) were obtained over the whole range of mixture composition at a temperature of 303 K. The experimental data obtained were employed to determine the excess molar volume (V_m^E), excess viscosity (VE), and excess Gibb’s free energy of activation (ΔGE) based on the molecular interactions arising due to the structural effect of the mixture. The measured viscosity values were correlated with Grunberg and Nissan, Kendel and Monroe, and Frenkel’s semi-empirical models to evaluate the best fit for the system. The results acquired were explained according to their structural differences, strength, and nature of intermolecular interactions in the binary mixture. The experimental result revealed that the binary mixture of DPK and AGO shows positive excess molar volume and negative excess viscosity. Weak, specific interactions were responsible for the dispersion force in the binary mixtures.
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